Today marks the re-release of Last Spring, a paranormal short story to mark the Vernal Equinox.
I wrote it in 2015. Friday, March 20, 2015, was an unusual vernal equinox, if you may recall.
On the morning of March 20, the moon covered the sun, blocking out up to 98 per cent of its light in certain zones. If this were not sufficiently impressive, the evening before, the earth and moon moved together, creating a so-called Supermoon.
A triple celestial whammy of a supermoon, equinox and an eclipse – all on the same day. Did you notice anything strange?
Recently, I’ve been busy experimenting with cyanotypes. What a good excuse to come up with an even spookier cover. The technique to create the ectoplasmic horror inside the church was quite simple. One just tips some of the cyanotype light-sensitive solution onto the watercolour paper and then blows it around with a straw. Child’s play.
The vaulted roof depicted is a photograph of a famous Warwickshire church. Any guesses? Clue: one of the character’s names is inspired by the location.
The sun. The moon. The stars … And a plethora of malevolent entities …
You can read the three chapter being published on my author blog over the next three days – or buy the Seasonal Disorders quartet on Amazon. All sales fees received this month will go to the Red Cross.